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Beautiful Sunnah of Beloved Nabi (saw)
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: Beautiful Sunnah of Beloved Nabi (saw)
15. Eight Sunnats Of Ruku

1.        To say the Takbeer of Ruku. (Tahtaawee- pg.144)

2.        To grasp the knees with the hands.  (Tahtaawee- pg.145)

3.        Whilst grasping the knees the fingers should be spread apart. (Ibid)

4.        To keep the back straight. (Shami-Vol.1, pg. 365)

5.        To keep (the calf of the legs) straight i.e the section from the ankles to the knee. (Shami-Vol.1, pg. 365)

6.        To keep the head and the lower back in a straight line. (Shami-Vol.1, pg. 365)

7.        To read  thrice in Ruku. (Tahtaawee- pg.144)

8.        Whilst getting up from Ruku, the Imam should say  in a loud voice, whilst the followers should say . If one is performing Salaah alone, one should recite both (softly). One should stand and pause with ease after the Ruku before going into Sajdah. (Shami-Vol.1, pg. 327)

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