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Beautiful Sunnah of Beloved Nabi (saw)
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: Beautiful Sunnah of Beloved Nabi (saw)
2. Sunnats And Duas Upon Entering And Leaving The Toilet
1. For the purpose of istinjah, take along water and lumps of clay. To use three lumps of clay or three stones is mustahab (preferable). If circumstances prevail, then this will be sufficient. Due to (clay lumps), difficulties are experienced in flushing the toilets. Thus, the Ulama have advised that toilet paper should be used so that the flush is not spoilt. 2. It was the practice of Rasulullah ( 3. Before entering the toilet recite this dua: 4. When entering the toilet, enter with the left foot. (Alaikum besunnati quoting from Ibne Majah) 5. When removing the undergarment,it is better to lower oneself towards the ground as much as easily possible and thereafter remove the garment. (Tirmidhi, Abu Dawood) 6. When coming out from the toilet, step out with the right foot first and then recite this dua: 7. Before entering the toilet, remove any ring etc, upon which any Aayat or the name of Rasulullah ( 8. When relieving oneself do not face the Qibla nor turn the back towards it. (Mishkaat , Tirmidhi , Ibne Majah) 9. When relieving oneself, do not speak except out of absolute necessity. Also, do not engage in any Zikr whilst in the toilet. (Mishkaat, Abu Dawood - pg. 3) 10. Be extremely careful and ensure that droplets of urine and stool do not splash upon one as most of the punishment of the grave is due to not protecting oneself from urine splashes. (Bukhari, Ibne Maajah) 11. Do not touch the private parts with the right hand during istinjaa. Use the left hand for this purpose. (Bukhari, Abu Dawood) 12. Where a toilet is not available, relieve oneself behind some barrier so that one is not exposed to others. (Abu Dawood, Ibne Majah) 13. Search for soft ground (when relieving oneself in the open) so that the urine does not splash but is rather absorbed into the ground. (Tirmidhi, Abu Dawood) 14. Sit and urinate. Do not urinate while standing.(Tirmidhi) 15. After urinating, if one needs to dry himself he should do so behind some barrier (i.e. wall etc.) (Bihishti Gohar) 16. Perform Wudhu according to the Sunnat at home. 17. Perform the Sunnats at home before going to the Masjid. If there is no time for this, the same could be performed in the Masjid. Note: In today’s times, due to Sunnats being neglected, it is preferable to perform them in the Masjid.(Kamaalate Ashrafiya) |
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