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Beautiful Sunnah of Beloved Nabi (saw)
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: Beautiful Sunnah of Beloved Nabi (saw)
10. Sunnat Method Of Ghusl

First wash both hands upto the wrists.Thereafter wash off any impurity that may be on the body of both the front and back private parts (whether there is a need for this or not). Now perform Wudhu according to the Sunnat manner. If one is taking a bath in such a place where the water does not flow away but instead gathers at the feet, then do not wash the feet there. After the Wudhu, pour water over the head thrice (sufficient water should be poured so that the entire body is completely drenched). Rub the body with the hands so that no part remains dry. If even a hair span is left dry, the ghusl will be incomplete. In short, ensure that water passes over the entire body. Thereafter, move away from this place to a pure spot to wash one’s feet. If, however, the feet had been washed at the time of Wudhu, then there is no need to repeat. (Behishti Zewar, Shami- Vol. 1, pg. 157– 159)

Note:    The act of wiping oneself with a towel after ghusl is also recorded in the Hadith. Likewise not to wipe oneself but to allow the water to dry up on its own is also recorded in the Hadith. Hence, whichever of the two methods are adopted, make the intention of fulfilling the Sunnat. (Nasai-Vol.1, pg. 31, Tirmidhi-Vol.1, pg.18, Shami- Vol.1, pg. 99)

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