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Beautiful Sunnah of Beloved Nabi (saw)
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: Beautiful Sunnah of Beloved Nabi (saw)
26. Sunnats When Treating And Visiting The Sick
1. It is Sunnat to take medication and undergo treatment during an illness. However, one should depend only on Allah Ta’ala for the cure. 2. It is Sunnat to treat an illness with kalunji (black seed ) and honey. (Bukhari- chapter on medicine) Rasulullah () said that Allah has placed cure in these two things. There are many Ahadith narrated in praise of kalunji and honey. 3. During treatment one should avoid those things which aggravate the illness. 4. It is Sunnat to visit one’s sick brother. Nabi () said: 5. After visiting the sick it is Sunnat to leave quickly (Mishkaat). It should not happen that the patient or his family is inconvenienced in any way by your remaining there for a long time. 6. To console the patient in any way possible is Sunnat. For example one should say to him that Insha- Allah you will recover very quickly, Allah Ta’ala is the Most Powerful. One should not say such things which will instil fear in the sick person. (Mishkaat, pg. 137) 7. When visiting the sick one should say the following: |
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