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Purpose of Life
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: Purpose of Life
2. Introduction
What is the aim of Allah sending us to this world. When a person does not understand the aim of any work, that work can never be correct. We should therefore understand what is the aim of our life in this world. This world is a foreign place for us while the hereafter is our actual homeland. First listen to the examples of this world being a foreign place. People come from Kashmir, Quetta and different parts of Pakistan to earn a living in Karachi. They earn some money and collect it. When they return to their homeland, that is Kashmir, Quetta, Manserah, Hazarah or wherever they come from, they take the money in cash and live there with splendour. Or they purchase items like a chair, become a chairman and go from here. They are then well respected and people praise them for having earned well in Karachi. Thereafter they are invited everywhere for meals. The teacups of Karachi are used for them. This shows that they understood their aim of going to a foreign place. They did not use their foreign earnings in the foreign place. They did not use their Karachi earnings in Karachi. They took it back to their homeland where they were respected. Had they spent their Karachi earnings in Karachi, they would not have been respected and people would have called them fools.
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