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Purpose of Life
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: Purpose of Life
25. Two Ways Of Becoming A Wali
Firstly, join the company of the friends of Allâh and the people of piety.  But join only the one you have affinity with.  In our city, Mufti Rasheed Ahmad is one of our elders.  He is the ustâd of Mufti Rafi Uthmâni and Mufti Taqi Uthmâni.  He taught them Sahih Bukhâri.  That alone can tell you of what calibre he is.  If you have compatibility with him, join his company.  Moulânâ Taqi has been conferred with khilâfah (successorship) and so has Moulânâ Rafi Uthmâni, Moulânâ Subhân Mahmûd and Moulânâ Yusuf Ludhianwi.  Do not transfuse everyone's blood.  Take only the blood of the one who has the same group as you.  Just by looking at the famous boxer Muhammad Ali, you cannot take his blood.  Ask the doctor to check your blood group first.  Then only can you take his blood.  If you hurried in making bay'at without compatibility, you will have to recite the following couplet of mine:

The eyes met but not the hearts.  You sat on the ship for your whole life without reaching the shore.  Hakeemul Ummat, Moulânâ Ashraf Ali Thânwi (Rahimahullâh) said that you would only attain benefit where there was compatibility.
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