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Purpose of Life
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: Purpose of Life
20. An Amazing Proof
The summary of the first verse which I recited is that if we live in the company of the pious ones, we will attain the aim of life.  What is the aim of life?  When we go from this world wrapped in our kafans, we will not be able to take our jewellery, wives, children, carpets, mobile telephones, or any currency.  This is proof enough that these items are not the aim of life.  Tell me, is this a proof or not?  Since the time of Adam (Alaihis salâm) till today, have you seen anyone taking his house, carpets and telephone with him?  Have you seen anyone telling the angels, "O angels, come and help me.  I cannot carry my carpets and my house alone.  Please assist me."  Then the angels come down and say, "This janazah has requested Allâh Subhanahu wa Ta'la that his chairs, carpets, telephone, cellphone, cars and goods should reach the hereafter."  Has any dead person gone with his house and material possessions?
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