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Purpose of Life
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: Purpose of Life
10. The Effects Of Keeping In Mind The Greatness Of Allah
 When the greatness of Allâh Subhanahu wa Ta'la enters the heart, and the fear of reckoning of the day of Judgement enters the heart, it will not be concerned with the reproach of the people of this world and their curses and teasing after such a great sound has entered it.  It will not be bothered by what people say.  A person sported a one-fist length beard and wrote to Hadhrat Thânwi (Rahimahullâh) that since the time he sported his beard, all his friends and acquaintances were mocking him.  Hadhrat Thânwi (Rahimahullâh) replied to him that he should let his friends continue laughing.  On the day of Qiyâmah he will not have to cry.  He replied to another person, "Why are you fearing the laughter of people?  You are a man and yet you fear.  Let them laugh."

What a great reward Allâh Subhanahu wa Ta'la has granted for safeguarding the gaze.  Firstly, protection from regret, worry and uneasiness.  Secondly, the sweetness of Imân.  The one who safeguards his gaze, Allâh Subhanahu wa Ta'la will grant his heart the sweetness of Imân.  After the sweetness of Imân, what will be his third reward?  He will have a good ending, that is, he will die with Imân.
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