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The People of Allah And Their Independency
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: The People of Allah And Their Independency
15. An Example of the Weakness of Falsehood
I remember an incident regarding attacking all together. The mice of a locality became fed up with the cat of the area. Daily mice would meet their end at the claws of this monster. The mice thus held a top secret conference. They contemplated and lamented over the fact that since they were so many in number, there should be no reason for them to be intimidated by the cat. They decided that if all would attack simultaneously, the cat would have to retreat. Prior to the designated day, they even order from London a supply of high quality vitamin tablets, designed to increase their strength ten-fold. Brigades were formed and each appointed over a specific area. Some were ordered to attack the ears, others the hind and rear legs and the most daring were instructed to claw onto the stomach, rip it open, and tear apart its heart. The plan was ready and the allotted time soon arrived. As a bonus, news was received that the cat is presently suffering from a severe bout of typhoid. Maulana Rumi (Rahmatullah Alaihe) has explained this incident. He further writes, “The cat was amazed to see an entire army of mice coming his way, whereas normally the mere sight of him would be sufficient to send them scrambling to theirs holes. In their eyes was a piercing look.” Even though the cat was suffering from high fever, his ribs were sticking out, he was feeling extremely weak, despite all this, when the cat saw the mice drawing near, a natural meow emitted from its throat. This meek meow was all that was needed to send shivers down the spines of the mice. The mice dashed for their holes; oblivious of the strict orders they had been given. Not a single mouse remained for the confrontation. The reason being, that they did not possess within their chests, a heart as brave as the cat’s. The heart Allah has given to the lion, the other inhabitants of the jungle do not possess such a heart. The hearts Allah has given to the Prophets, and to the saintly ones; the general masses have not been blessed with such strong hearts. Maulana Rumi (Rahmatullah Alaihe) has presented this parable, while commenting on the incident of Hazrat Ja’far Tayyaar (Radhiallaho Anho), as he prepared to attack a fort of the Kuffaar. The leader of the enemy questioned his soldiers, “Why are you so afraid of this one lone warrior. Have I not provided you with enough nourishment, to ensure that none matches your strength? How can one man be able to kill so many of you, single-handedly? ” The soldiers replied, “We appreciate the favours you have showered upon us, and the food you have fed us. The matter, however, is that the heart which this man possesses, we, unfortunately, do not possess such hearts!” Do you not see that even the walls of the fort shakes when he bellows, what then do you expect of us? Maulana Rumi (Rahmatullah Alaihe) says: ?? ??? ?? ??? ??????? ??? ????? ???? ?????? ?? ???? “The fox upon whose back rests the hand of the lion, he shall be daring enough to even rip apart the skin of the cheetah. Maulana Rumi (Rahmatullah Alaihe) states, “Never look at the yellow faces of the Men of Allah, for these faces have become pale due to the sacrifices they have made in search of the pleasure of Allah. Even though the faces of the people of the world are lush, due to eating fresh chicken, soup, and eggs, then too never underestimate the power of these Allah-fearing Men, despite the paleness of their faces.” Maulana Rumi (Rahmatullah Alaihe) says: ?? ???? ?? ???? ?? ???? ?? ???? ???? ?? ?? ???? ?? ?????? ?? ???? ?????? ???? “O seekers of the world! Do not be fooled by my pale face, for my feet are made of steel! (i.e. in the path of the Truth, you shall find me a mountain of perseverance, my feet shall never be shaken.) You have no idea that within my heart I have a great King, a King Who is the King of all kings!” For this reason, I fervently advise that one adopt the formula I have presented to receive divine help to abstain from sin and gain consistency in good deeds. Today, my lesson of Bukhari Sharif has been left incomplete. I shall attempt to complete it next week, Insha Allah. However, what has been discussed today is in no way inferior to the spirit of Bukhari, for if one is not prepared to give up sin, he will never be able to fulfill the right of Bukhari. I will thus again repeat the formula, with slight detail: 1. Use one’s courage to say no to sin. No sin, you win. If one shows cowardice, Shaytaan shall sit on his head. If one were attacked by a knife-yielding rogue, ready to slit one’s throat, would one just sit back and let him do so? Would one not fight for his life? Just as one fears cancer, and one fears his life being taken by murderers, and one fears stones forming in his bladder, the fear of displeasing Allah should be even more, since this could lead to the destruction of one’s Imaan. To save one’s life, the first thing one does is to flee to safety. Similarly, one should flee whenever one’s Imaan is in danger! If a beautiful face approaches, change one’s course. ?????? ??????? ????? ??????? ???????????? “I am threading the path to my Lord. He shall guide me!” Never look at women unveiled! Our elders have even warned against staring at the form of veiled women, for this too is not free from harm. Seven hundred years ago, in the city of Shaikh Sa’di Shirazi, a young boy became impressed with the form of a veiled woman and began following her. He felt that if the outside form is so impressive, the inside should be just as good. I have said a poem in this regard: ?? ?? ???? ?? ?? ????? ?? ?? ?? ????? ?? ?? ?? ???? ?? “It is really just a shape, or is it Qiyamah? Only he shall look, who desires an evil fate!” The woman at that moment stopped to drink and thus lifted her veil. Shaikh Sa’di Sherazi (Rahmatullah Alaihe) described the incident as follows: ?? ?????? ???? ?? ???? ???? ???? ?? ??? ??? ????? ???? ???? “At times the veil makes one seem most interesting. But when the veil is lifted, one realizes that she is not just old, she is a grandmother!” Without any teeth, with cheeks gone in and with spectacles of the highest number! Shaikh Sa’di says, “O friends, do not cast your gazes upon the outer garments of the opposite sex. Shaytaan may cause you to become infatuated over even so much. It has been mentioned in the Hadith, that when a women leaves her home, do not look at her approaching figure, for verily it is Shaytaan that is ahead of her. As she returns, do not look at her posterior, for it is none but Shaytaan moving behind her. Regard such a woman as one’s mother and lower one’s gaze. One might object that if she is like my mother, then why am I prohibited from looking. The reason is that marriage is not permissible with your mother, but allowed with her, thus the prohibition. I shall now repeat the six ingredients needed, to ensure divine help in abandoning sin and remaining firm on good. 1. Be courageous 2. Regularly perform two rakaats of Salatul-Haajat (Salaah at the time of need). Thereafter, with enthusiasm and great hope in the mercy of Allah, together with the shedding of some tears, beg for His help and mercy. When one is diagnosed of cancer, the fervor with which he makes dua is well known. With that very same fervor, implore Allah to save you and your family from His anger and punishment and from those actions which invite His wrath. Say, “O Allah, it is Haraam for me to spend even a moment in Your displeasure! It is against the etiquettes of a slave to displease his master. O Allah, after receiving such bounties from You, how could I then ever utilize these favours in Your disobedience? If the opportunity to perform Salaatul-Haajat does not arise, make these duas after any fardh salaat. |
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