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The People of Allah And Their Independency
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: The People of Allah And Their Independency
8. Seven Actions on the day of Friday

It has been narrated in the books of Ahadith, that whosoever performs seven actions on Friday,

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He shall receive the reward of one year’s Nafl fast and one year’s Nafl Salaah, in lieu of every step taken towards the Masjid.

You should not be afraid, that perhaps these seven actions would be too difficult. Nay, rather they are quite simple, indeed!

1.         To take a bath. Is this anything difficult? Is it not a demand of one’s temperament that at least, once a week, one uses soap to remove the perspiration and dirt that envelopes him?

2.         To wear neat, clean clothing. Could anyone ever regard this as difficult? Who will ever desire to wear dirty, untidy clothing on Friday? This is totally in conformity with our desires.

3.         To proceed early to the Masjid. Time should not be wasted loitering around, thinking that there is still sufficient time for the khutbah.

4.         To walk to the Masjid, unless exempt by illness or some other acceptable excuse.

5.         To sit as close as possible to the Imam, if there is space. Jumping over shoulders and pushing one’s way through is prohibited.

6.          To listen attentively to the khutbah. It should not be that one presents his body in the Masjid, but leaves his heart and mind in the bakery for example, that after Friday prayer, I shall purchase bread and a special kind of butter full of vitamins.  

?? ??? ??? ???   , you have come in the house of Allah for His worship only! Therefore, the mind and the heart should be focused on nothing but Allah.

7.          Not to do any futile act while the khutbah is in progress, for example, pulling the straw from the mats of the Masjid, or strands from its carpets. Not only are these futile acts, but also sinful because these items belong to the Masjid. 

Remember these seven actions! I will repeat them: 1.  To take a bath 2.  To wear clean clothing 3.  To proceed early to the Masjid 4.  To walk to the Masjid. 5.  To sit as close as possible to the Imam 6.  To listen to the khutbah attentively 7.  Not to carry out any futile act while the khutbah is in progress.

This Hadith has been narrated in four of the six authentic books of Hadith known as Sihaah:

·         Sunan Ibn-Majah,

·         Tirmidhi Sharif,

·         Nasai Sharif and

·         Abu Dawood Sharif

Some Muhadditheen have in fact written:

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“We have not come across any authentic Hadith besides this, wherein such virtue has been mentioned.”

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