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The People of Allah And Their Independency
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: The People of Allah And Their Independency
11. The Ulama Should take into Consideration the Greatness of Din and Their Own Honour

Some enquired from Hazrat Thanwi if it was befitting the Ulama to at times disgrace themselves, solely for the purpose of Din, by begging for donations. Hazrat replied, “If the president’s mother had passed away, and someone were to announce that there would be a Fatiha ceremony at his palace, after which Biryani would be served, thus an appeal is made for funds to arrange for food, will this appeal not be an insult to the president?” Hazrat then said, “The correct method would be to erect a tent and hang a notice that the skins of the Qurbani may be left here. People shall then bring their own animal skins, without any Aalim having to be disgraced. And if there is no option but to go from door to door, then too, the Ulama and students of Din should not be sent!”

Hazrat Maulana Ihtishamul-Haq (May Almighty Allah reward him tremendously) would make use of college and university students for collection purposes. Such students would spread their cloths on the ground and await donations. He would explain that the reason he would never take such work from the students of Din was to preserve their integrity and honor in the eyes of the people.

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