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The People of Allah And Their Independency
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: The People of Allah And Their Independency
9. The Reliance of Hazrat Wala and his Self-Sufficiency from the Creation of Allah

I deem it necessary to clarify one point. In my Madrassa, there are students from over twelve different countries. May Allah Almighty accept out of His sheer grace. Some people are under the misconception that the reason I do not ever appeal for donations on Fridays, is because I have established a relation with some king. I have heard that some misinformed people have claimed that I have made friends with the king of Kuwait, Libya, Morocco, Al Jazair and Tunis, thus the need to make an appeal for donations never arrives. This is total nonsense. Remove this notion immediately from your hearts!

The only relationship I enjoy is with the King of all kings. He who gives kingship to others, Akhtar asks only of Him. Allah then places the thought in the hearts of our friends and they willingly come forward to assist. Even if factory owners or other wealthy men come in my presence, I do not concern myself with their monetary status. The reason I do not ever appeal for donations is that any discourse which deals with the love of Allah, if, it is followed by appeals for money loses its value. People will feel as Akbar Ilahaabadi said:

“After every discourse one shall most certainly find a collection appeal.”

Consequently, our elders have emphasized that even if the need be severe; still do not make a collection after a lecture. It will be regarded as a sort of compensation for one’s lecture, even though the money does not really go to the speaker.

By the grace of Almighty Allah, I have travelled to the island of Reunion, to South Africa, etc, I lectured in Masjid, which was frequented by extremely wealthy personalities, yet I never even made the slight mention of my Madrassa in front of them. Not even an indication, for then too, the wealthy would whisper in each other’s ears, “There it is! He has finally touched upon his motive for coming! He has finally made mention of his Madrassa, in a most cunning manner!”

By the grace and guidance of Allah, and due to the duas of my elders, I avoid mentioning these things in my lectures. Some friends from Reunion are present here today. They shall bear witness to what I have said. Alternatively, one may enquire from the people of South Africa. All will agree that in their countries, I have never made any collection after any lecture, nor have I ever pointed towards my Madrassa. That Allah, whose love I preach, is He not sufficient to see to my needs? He alone inspires someone from among His creation to come forward and present their assistance. Those who wait for the Ulama to beg, I cannot say anything regarding his status in the Hereafter. As for that person who himself presents his services, desirous of serving the Din of Allah, such people are indeed worthy of the highest forms of praise.

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