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The Remedy to the Evil Disease of Racism And Prejudice
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: The Remedy to the Evil Disease of Racism And Prejudice
11. Dua

Through the blessings of the Sacred Ka’abah may Allah Ta`ala grant us the good fortune of becoming people of Paradise, and entering therein a "first" entering.

May Allah save us from entering Paradise after being punished in the Hell-fire. May He protect us from the evil deeds of the people of the fire. May He pardon our shortcomings, wrongdoings, and unworthiness.

Without deserving it, may Allah Ta'ala out of His sheer mercy & grace grant us the highest stages of Paradise.

May Allah grant this to us, our children, our families, our friends, who are not present here with us at this moment, and may Allah accept this prayer of mine on behalf of all the Muslims in the world.

May Allah grant faith to all the non-believers in the entire world and make them complete and perfect believers.

O Allah! Have mercy upon the entire world!

O Allah! Have mercy upon the fish in the sea and the animals in the jungles and upon the birds in the sky.

Shower your torrential rains of mercy upon the entire world!

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And may the peace & blessings of Allah be upon the best of creation, Muhammad, and upon his family and his companions.

By Your mercy, Oh The Most Merciful of those who show mercy.

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