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The Remedy to the Evil Disease of Racism And Prejudice
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: The Remedy to the Evil Disease of Racism And Prejudice
7. Recognition is the sole purpose behind various tribes and nations, not pride and supremacy
3rd of Rabiul-Awwal 1414 In accordance to: 22nd of August 1993 In Today's Majlis, Hazrat wala (may Allah Ta`ala preserve him) read the following verse: ?????? ????????????? ????? ?????? ??? ??????? ??????????????? ????????? ???????????? ?????????????? (Surah Hujurat: 13) We have created you from one man and woman; i.e. Adam & Hawwa (alayimus salaam), and We have made you into different tribes & nations so that you may recognize one another. These tribal and national differences are not supposed to bring about pride and supremacy over others, rather it is for ????????, so that you may recognize one another. Instead of recognition and identification, mankind has made this a reason to claim virtue and supremacy over others. Those people that are of a certain tribe or family lineage consider people from another tribe to be inferior and lowly. From this verse, we have understood the following that it is ignorant to have pride and arrogance in one's family lineage, tribe, or name. In actuality, this opposes the purpose of recognition. Now, all I have to say, as advice, is to take heed (the purpose behind) ???????? , is recognition. Pride and arrogance is forbidden because Allah's purpose behind different nations & tribes is so that we may recognize one another and identify that 'so and so' is from this nation and 'so and so' is from that tribe, etc. Family lineage and tribal roots is not a means of proving one's nobility. Nobility and greatness lies in the fear and obedience of Allah. In this same verse, Allah Ta’ala continues saying ????? ???????????? ?????? ????? ??????????? The noblest in the sight of Allah is the one who fears Allah the most. The one who is more fearful of his Lord will be the most noble in His Sight. |
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