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The Remedy to the Evil Disease of Racism And Prejudice
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: The Remedy to the Evil Disease of Racism And Prejudice
2. Differences in Language and Color is a Sign of Allah Ta`ala’s Greatness

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16th of Sha'ban 1427

In accordance to:

10th of September 2006

Sunday after 'Asr

Hazrat wala (damat barakaatuhum) said:

All Muslims are brothers to one another.

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The Believers are but a single brotherhood

(Surah Hujurat; verse 10)

Some have come from Africa and others are here from London, some from Baluchistan, another is from Punjab, and another from Sindh. Everyone is from some place but I consider everyone here my brother.

Allah Ta`ala says,

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“And among His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the variations in your languages and colors.”

If someone happens to disrespect or look down upon the signs of Allah, this is in actuality a very grave sin and the person who commits this act is an extremely foolish individual.

Many prominent, so-called "educated" people have hatred in their hearts for others due to differences in race & language.

People do not understand the reality of SIN! If someone does not accept a sign of Allah, then this is disbelief.

Unfortunately, the condition of people today is such that if someone happens to speak the Punjabi or Sindhi language, amongst Urdu speaking people, then the Urdu speaking people laugh and ridicule them for the difference in language.

Urdu is a nice language but to consider it superior and more virtuous than every other language is not permissible; in actuality, it is not permissible to look down upon any language.

One should not look down upon the English language either. If a person from England accepts Islam, then what language will he speak? Obviously, he will be speaking the English language; therefore, consider all languages and dialects to be good and a manifestation of Allah's greatness.

If you were born in England, you would have grown up speaking English. If you were born in Punjab, you would have spoken Punjabi, and if you were born in Sindh, then you would have spoken Sindhi. Considering this, would you look down upon on the language you were born with? Thus, we should not discriminate against any language.

When we had traveled to Bangladesh, we never disrespected or looked-down upon any Bangladeshi person. It is for this reason that all the Bangladeshis fell in love with me. I do not have any nationalism or racial pride in me. To find a person who does not have any nationalism or racism in his heart, in this day and age, is very difficult. Look at how many Punjabi friends I have. I get enjoyment from listening to their Punjabi language.

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