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The Remedy to the Evil Disease of Racism And Prejudice
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: The Remedy to the Evil Disease of Racism And Prejudice
5. One People: Who Surpass the Bounds of Race and Color
...Therefore those people who become disloyal to the faith, turn their back to Allah and His Messenger, and become Jews & Christians after having been Muslims, then there is no reason to become concerned. Allah Ta'ala has promised: ???????? ??????? ????? ???????? ??????????? ?? ???????????? Soon we shall bring about (after they have turned away from Islam) such a people, who He loves and who love Him. In this verse, Allah Ta'ala has revealed ??? one group of people, in the singular and not ????? in the plural which indicates to this fact that all the people who have love for Allah in this world are actually ONE PEOPLE. All the lovers of Allah in the world are but one people; whether, they are from Malawi, Pakistan, America, and irrespective of whether they are black or white. If the lovers of Allah were separated into various groups and divided into black & white and other racial categories, then Allah would not have revealed ??? "one people" in the singular but would have revealed ????? "many people." So, the wisdom behind: ???????? ??????? ????? ???????? being revealed in the singular is so that it is known that all the lovers of Allah in the entire world are all but one people. There is no segregation or division in the nation of lovers, instead they are considered one nation. Nevertheless, in order to create variety in the expression of love for Allah, He has brought about the differences in languages and skin color. This is not a difference in people; rather this is a difference in expression. Our desire is such that the remembrance of Allah is in the whole of humanity no matter the race or color and humankind takes his name in the many different languages that exist. Allah Ta`ala has manifested His signs and power through the variety of languages and skin colors. Some are speaking Bengali, another is speaking English, and another is conversing in Gujrati. Allah Ta`ala has actually expounded this reality in the Noble Qur’an: ??????? ????????? ?????? ?????????? ??????????? ????????????? ?????????????? ???????????????? "And from amongst His signs are the creation of the heavens and the earth and the differences in your languages and colors" (Rum:22) These languages and colors of yours that are so different, these are from My signs. Therefore, do not come to this conclusion that My lovers are different nations. Differences of color and languages do not necessitate differences in nation. Anyone who has love in his heart for Me, then regardless of his skin color and language, they are one nation. All the lovers of Allah in the entire world are but one people & one nation. Therefore, if you happen to meet someone from Malawi or Africa or Asia or India or Gujarat, then if that person is a lover of Allah and Rasulullah (salellaho alaihe wasallam) then you should embrace him, express your love to him, and say, "O my beloved brother! We are actually one brother hood. There is no hate and discrimination here." All the lovers of Allah in the world are one nation. For proof of this statement, I am presenting to you this verse from the Noble Qur’an. There are qualified scholars from Malawi and South Africa here in this very gathering. Allah Ta`ala is telling us ????????? ??????? ????? ???????? "Allah will soon bring such a group of people..." What will be the distinguishing characteristic? ??????????? ?? ???????????? Allah will love them and they will love Allah. So the first sign of Allah's group of lovers is that Allah Ta`ala will love them and they will love Allah. Grammatically, in the Arabic language, when the particle (??) comes upon the intransitive verb ???, ???? then it renders it transitive. What does this mean? Our lovers do not come by themselves rather they are brought. Therefore this grammatical sequence gives us the meaning that Allah Ta`ala will specially choose His group and nation of lovers. ???? ????? ???? ??? ??? ???? ??? ??? Love announced this declaration in both the worlds ??? ??? ????? ?? ?? ??? ?? ??? ??? ??? That whomever the Lover Himself has chosen, he alone shall remember the Beloved Only the one whom Allah has bestowed the good fortune of granting him His love will become the Lover of Allah. Only the one, whom Allah loves, shall love Allah. These are truly fortunate people and they are very lucky. Kings do not even experience such good fortune. Speaking of kings: if there is such a king who is unmindful and heedless of Allah then he will experience nothing but grief & worries through his kingship. There will be a crown on his head but the crown will give him nothing but a headache. ?? ??? ?? ???? ??? ??? ???? ?? ??? ?? ???? ???? ?? Due to the heavy crowns on the heads of kings, their heads are always aching, ??? ??? ??? ?? ????? ??? ?? ??? ?? ???? ???? ?? But in the hearts of the people of purity, there is a river of light always flowing. The people of Allah always have a river of effulgence and brilliance flowing forth from their hearts, whereas kings and rulers are always experiencing headaches and worries due to the pressure of their opposition. The crown is upon their heads and they are sitting upon their royal throne and from behind this imperial scene, there is fierce opposition at all times due to which their hearts are constantly in worry and uneasiness. |
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