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Treatment for Anger
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: Treatment for Anger
6. Tolerance
Hazrat Umar (RA) was a khalifah for ten and half years. Christian rulers quivered with awe and fear at the very mention of his name. One day he addressed himself thus: "O Umar! you were grazing camels once, but today you rule as the commander of the faithful (Amirul Mu'minin). This is all due to the blessings of the chief of the Ambiya Mohammadur Rasûlullah Sallallahu alaihi wasallam. Once someone asked him about his anger to which he replied: "Before my conversion, my anger was directed against Islam, now it is directed against the kuffar. I now honour even a Muslim of low birth and lineage
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