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Treatment for Anger
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: Treatment for Anger
5. Razzaq

A thought had once come to the mind of Hazrat Mûsa (AS) that how does Allah Ta'ala sustain His creation, upon which he was shown this insect inside the rock. This should not be construed as a doubt in the heart of Mûsa (AS), for the Iman of the Ambiya (AS) is perfect. When the insect emerged from the rock, it was reciting a wazifa which meant, "purity belongs to Allah who is watching me and who knows my place of living. He remembers me and does not forget to sustain me."

Once Hazrat Mûsa (AS)'s lamb ran away from the flock. Mûsa (AS) ran behind it for miles in order to catch it, and in the process hurt his feet over thorns till they were bleeding. The same thing also happened to the lamb, until it finally stood at one place, breathing heavily, unable to run any more. Hazrat Mûsa (AS) caught the tired little animal and instead of being angry at it, tears flowed out of his eyes as he consoled the animal saying: "O sheep, if you did not feel sorry for Mûsa, at least you should have pitied yourself. Why did you put yourself into so much trouble?" Before removing the thorns from his own feet, Hazrat Mûsa (AS) first removed the thorns from the sheep, then rubbed and pressed its legs, lifted it up onto his shoulders and carried it back to its flock.

Imagine what we would have done to the animal if it had caused us so much trouble and pain. Perhaps we would have beaten the poor animal or even slaughtered it. But what did Mûsa (AS) do? He showed no sign of anger, instead he showed great mercy for the weak creation of Allah Ta'ala. Imam Fakhroodin Razi (RA) writes that the malaika said to Allah, "O Allah! this person is worthy of becoming a Prophet because of his qualities of tolerance and patience . O Allah! do make him a Prophet." (This incident took place before Mûsa (AS) was given prophethood). Allah Ta'ala replied: "I have already chosen him to be my Prophet." Those from whom Allah has destined high stages, He imbues them with noble qualities and strength of tolerance. It is not right that in a slight fit of anger one becomes mad.

Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wasallam said: "A strong man is not one who pushes down another, but a strong man is one who controls his anger." A villager who had newly accepted Islam and did not know the etiquettes of the musjid, once entered the masjid and began to urinate inside it. The Sahaba (RA) ran to stop him, but Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wasallam stopped them, saying that they should let him first finish. When he had finished, Rasullullah Sallallahu alaihi wasallam called him and spoke to him most kindly, explaining that masajids are for the performance of namaz, the zikr of Allah, tilawat of the Quran, and as such they should be kept clean. It is bad to dirty or pollute places of worship. Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wasallam told him to bring a bucket of water, throw it over the urine and wash the place.

Moulana Sayyid Sulaiman Nadwi (RA) writes about an English historian who has written: "I have not seen anyone more tolerant, patient and enduring than the Prophet of the Muslims. Although I do not believe in him personally, yet I am amazed at his perfect intelligence and sound planning, thus saving the whole masjid from becoming impure. Anyone would become mad with anger if he witnesses such disrespect to a sacred place, but the Prophet of Islam acted with such wisdom and sound planning. Actually, it was the best cause of action to take at that time, meaning to let him continue messing at one spot only, for had they chased him, he would have run all over the place thus polluting the entire musjid. Rasulullah's Sallallahu alaihi wasallam method of correction saved much trouble where only a small space in the masjid became impure and was easily washed out. This incident proves that tolerance is truly a noble quality. Such a backward nation attained high stages by the blessed companionship of Nabi Kareem Sallallahu alaihi wasallam.

How well Akbar Ilahabadi writes:

"Your eloquence has changed drops into a sea, the heart has attained sight.
Those who were not on the straight path, later became guides for others.
What a spiritual sight you had, which gave life to the dead."

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