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Treatment for Anger
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: Treatment for Anger
7. Forgiving For The Sake Of Allah

Hadhrat Hakeemul Ummat Mujaddide Millat Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (RA) once mentioned in a lecture that a woman put extra salt in the food by mistake. Her husband thereupon decided this matter with Allah and said: "O Allah! She has made a mistake by making the food salty, so for Your sake I forgive this wife of mine who is your bondswoman. She has a connection with You, therefore I forgive her." All this he thought in his heart and forgave his wife and did not tell her anything. After he had passed away, someone saw him in a dream and asked him how he fared? He replied: "Matters were very frightening, great sins of mine were presented, but Allah told me that He forgave me and I am free to go, as one day I forgave His bondswoman (my wife), for making the food too salty." How would we like our son-in-law to treat our daughter if she makes a mistake? Would we not like that he should forgive her? When the son-in-law troubles our daughter, we run to buzrug's for taweez and duas. Similarly, our wives are also someone else's daughters. Must we not show mercy to them? We argue and fight so much with them that they cry inside and have no one to complain to in the in-law's house. Their sighs and laments too will surely catch up with you one day!

When the rains of knowledge stop falling on the heart of the revivalist (Mujadid) and reformer of the time, because of harm caused to animals, then what will one's condition be for troubling human beings? One day Moulana Thanwi's (RA)'s wife had to go out, so she told him to unlock the chicken pen and to put corn and water for the fowls. Hadhrat completely forgot about it and sat down to do his writing and replying of letters. However, all the noor of knowledge and topics on "recognition" closed on him and he could not reply one letter nor write his commentary of Bayanul Quran. Upon this he made dua to Allah, that Allah should open upon him the secret, for perhaps he has made some mistake as a result of which this has happened to him. Allah Ta'ala put it in his heart that, "Our creation (fowls) are locked up without food and water, how can We bestow you with topics when Our creation is suffering?" Hadhrat immediately opened the chicken pen, gave them food and water, and just then his heart opened up and knowledge started flowing in.

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