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Treatment for Anger
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: Treatment for Anger
9. Miracles

Through this self-training, many have attained miracles, and miracles of the Auliya (friends of Allah) are true. To deny the miracles performed by the Auliya (friends of Allah) leads one to kufr. Of course, the Auliya-e-kiram cannot perform these miracles of their own accord, but they take place through them (the auliya) when Allah wills it. "Karamat" (miracles) is not the doing of the creation, but is exclusively the work of the Creator.

Imam Bukhari (RA) has explained that Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wasallam said: "A pious servant of Allah among the Bani Israeel once asked a man to lend him a thousand coins. That man asked the saint to bring a witness to which he replied: "Allah is enough for a witness." The man again asked him to bring forward a person to stand surety on behalf of the saint, so that in case he does not pay up, the money could be demanded from the one who stood surety. To this the saint replied, "Allah is responsible and stands surety." On hearing this the other person said: "You have spoken the truth," and immediately gave the pious man a thousand coins. The pious man took the coins, crossed the river and fulfilled the work for which he had needed the coins. Finally, the day on which he had promised to repay, arrived. When he reached the river bank, he became worried as there was no boat to take him across the river. Anxious to fulfil his promise, he thought of a plan. He made a hole in a piece of log, placed the thousand coins into it, knocked a nail to secure it and put it in the water to float across. Placing his trust in Allah, he made dua: "O Allah! Let the coins reach their owner." The winds could have changed direction and steered the log elsewhere, but this was a miracle that it reached its required destination. The creditor was waiting for some boat to arrive with the buzurg at the bank of the river. Suddenly, he noticed a piece of log floating towards him. He picked it out of the water, thinking he would take it home and use it for firewood. When he hit it with an axe, the coins fell out with a note which read: "I could not get a boat in time, so I am sending your coins in this manner, putting my trust in Allah." Soon afterwards, the buzurg also arrived, on finding a boat. He brought another thousand coins with him, just in case the first thousand which he had secured in the log might not have reached the owner and were lost. The owner said that he received the coins and explained how he found the log and what had happened. The Buzurg went back very happy, thanking Allah for this miracle. Although miracles of the auliya are true, they are not a requisite for being a wali. Some foolish people think it is compulsory for every saint to perform miracles. For anyone to be a wali, he has to have piety. Obedience to the shariat and sunnat is absolutely essential. Even chastity is not a requisite, that a wali will never sin. Yes, this is a requisite for prophethood! A wali (friend of Allah) can become weak and get involved in sin, but to remain a wali, there is a condition that he repents and asks forgiveness from Allah.

A person lived in the company of Hadhrat Junaid Baghdadi (RA) for ten years but did not see any miracle taking place at his hands eg. flying in the air or walking on water etc. Disappointed, he decided to go away, explaining his reason to Hadhrat Junaid (RA). Hadhrat Junaid (RA) asked him if had ever seen him (Hadhrat Junaid) doing any action against the sunnat or shariat in those ten years. The man replied in the negative. Upon this Hadhrat Junaid (RA) sighed and said: "If a slave has not displeased his Master for even a moment in ten years, can there by a greater miracle than this?" Hadhrat Mulla Ali Qari (RA) writes: "Steadfastness upon the sunnat and shariat is more virtuous than a thousand miracles." As I was saying, that by controlling one's anger and tolerating the harm which comes to one from the creation, many a buzurg attained the blessings of miracles.

Hadhrat Shah Abul Hasan Khirqani (RA) used to ride on a lion, bringing with him wood from the jungle on it, and if sometimes the lion would become troublesome, he would whip it with a live snake. A person from Khurasan went to Kharqan to take the pledge (bay'at) at Hadhrat's hands, When Hadhrat's wife asked this man why he had come, he related his reason. She was a very ill-tempered woman and upon hearing this she recited: "La howla wala quwwata illah billah" and said: "Who in this world can know the condition of this Buzurg better than me? I am with him day and night. He is a crafty deceiver! How did you get involved with him? Have you no brains?" She spoke so bitterly to him that he cried and thought to himself that his trip had been wasted. However,the people of the locality urged him to go into the jungle, and meet the Shaikh, and not form any wrong opinion about the Buzurg as his wife was an ill-tempered woman. When he reached the jungle, sure enough, there was Shaikh Abul Hasan Khirqani (RA), seated on the lion's back. Moulana Jalaluddin Roomi (RA) says that through kashf (divine inspiration), it transpired to Hadhrat that this person had heard his (Shaikh's) wife's bitter talks and was grieved. Hadhrat laughed and asked what the matter was. That man replied: "Hadhrat, your wife is a very bad-tempered woman, why did you marry her?" Hadhrat replied: "The miracle which you see in front of you i.e. I am seated on a lion while using a live snake as a whip, was attained by patiently bearing the harms caused to me by this woman." In the words of Moulana Roomi (RA): "If my patience would not tolerate the burden of her ill-temper, then do you think this lion would bear my burden and become my slave." It is the way of Allah, that when He blesses one with a gift, He does so after training of the self (Islahe Nafs).

Hadhrat Mirza Jane Jana was of a very sensitive nature. When the enemy shot him, someone asked him his condition, to which he replied: "There is no pain because of the bullet, but I am inconvenienced with the smell of the acid." If he saw a bedstead placed incorrectly (not straight), he would get a headache. He could not sleep the whole night. The ruler of Delhi once came to him and after drinking water, he placed the cup crooked on the water pitcher. Hadhrat developed a headache on seeing this. The ruler then asked Hadhrat if he would like an attendant for himself. Hadhrat replied: "Until now, I have managed to control myself, but now I must tell you that you put the water cup crooked through which I have developed a headache. How can I accept an attendant from you. He will be just like you." Hazrat Mirza Jane Jana was divinely inspired thus: "If you marry a certain ill-tempered woman of Delhi, then We will make you famous in the whole universe." He agreed. People of Allah are always seeking ways whereby they can sacrifice themselves for the pleasure of Allah.

One day, Hadhrat sent his attendant home to fetch his (Hadhrat's) food. When the attendant reached Hadhrat's house, he called out at the door to Hadhrat's wife, asking for his food. The ill-tempered wife began insulting her husband, saying: "Why did he not ask for it earlier, I am waiting here for hours with his food to be taken and there he is, having his malfoozats and acting like a great spiritual guide. He is causing us such inconvenience. Does he not realize the rights of Allah's servants? He is not a saint, but a deceiver, etc. etc." That attendant who had come for the food was a native of Kabul (Pathan). He drew out his sword, but then realized that this woman was his shaikh's wife, put his sword back and told the woman: "You are my shaikh's wife, therefore I left you, otherwise, I would have finished you off." He then went back to his shaikh and asked him why he had married such an ill-tempered woman. Hadhrat replied: "Foolish, don't you see Mirza Jane Jana's name reigning on earth? This I have achieved by the blessing of tolerating this woman, I bear patiently the harm she causes me. Allah has blessed me with steadfastness upon this tolerance, then also rewarded me for it." Friends! after bringing Iman, to remain firm on it is called steadfastness, as is stated in the Qur'an. There are many who remain auliya for one moment, and the next moment they turn into devils. For a few days they are like angels, but when the self (nafs) overpowers them, then they become devils. When anger overpowered them, they did not think who they are and who is their Allah. Then they even forget that a little while ago they were making tilawat, last night they performed Tahajjud and even read Ishraq today. In anger, they changed into shaitan, said what they wanted to, and even started beating someone up! Why is such a person called a shaitan. The reason is because shaitan is created from fire and it is stated in a hadith that anger is also created from fire
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