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A Life of Piety
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: A Life of Piety
31. An Example Of Changing Sins To Virtue

Now I will present an example given by Moulana Rumi (Rahimahullah) and conclude my talk. Moulana Rumi (Rahimahullah) states that Allah has kept the ability to sin as well as the ability to do good within man. He gives an example that when the sun shines on cow dung that lies in the forest, it becomes dry. Then the baker places it in the oven where it becomes completely red and makes the oven red. The baker is now able to bake roti (bread). The dung became dry and pure, then it became red in the fire. Now it was used for baking roti as well as giving light. Who granted it this benefit? A mere creation of Allah, the sun produced this effect that it made cow dung clean.

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