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A Life of Piety
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: A Life of Piety
30. Allah
Allah has revealed the word ‘ahad’ in Surah Ikhlas and not the word ‘wahid’ although ‘wahid’ also means one. What is the difference between ‘ahad’ and ‘wahid’? The word ‘ahad’ is only used to refer to one entity while ‘wahid’ can be used for several entities as well eg. wahid mi’ah - one hundred and wahid alf - one thousand. Wahid is one but here it refers to thousand as well. When Arabs speak, they use ‘wahid’ for hundred and thousand but they do not use the word ‘ahad’. ‘Ahad’ is only used for one being. Therefore Allah used this word to specify the unity of His being. Shah Abdul Ghani (Rahimahullah) used to say that the proof of this is the following verse; "Allahus Samad" Allah is independent. Sharing is a proof of need. To form a coalition government or a limited company is a sign of need. When a person cannot run a company himself, he forms a limited partnership. A partnership is always a proof of need. Allah says that He is not forming a partnership because He is independent. Abu Hurairah (Radhiallahu anhu) states that ‘samad’ means one that is independent of everyone else while everything is dependent on him. Because Allah is independent of everyone and everyone is dependent on Him, this independence is proof of His unity. Therefore, no one can be a deity besides Him. This was the inspired knowledge of my Sheikh. How amazing that he proved Allah’s unity from His independence.
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