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A Life of Piety
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: A Life of Piety
23. Two Ingredients Of Pride

What is pride? Rasulullah has apprised us of its ingredients namely, non-acceptance of the truth and regarding people as inferior. Some people don’t accept the truth even though they know it is the truth. They say, "We do not accept what the Molvis have to say." This is pride. The second sign of pride is that one regards others as inferior. Rasulullah did not use the word ‘believer’ in the hadith but he said, ‘an-nas’, that is all the people. Thus, even if you regard a kafir as inferior, you have pride. Now you may ask how can we not regard a kafir as inferior. Well remember that it is obligatory to dislike kufr [disbelief] but it is haram to regard a kafir as debased. It is possible that he may recite the kalimah and die with faith.

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