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The Rights of Family Members
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: The Rights of Family Members
19. The Mercilessness of Some Mother-In-Laws

Today, the condition has become such that on small issues, the mother says, “it would have been better had I not had any children.” These are the same mothers who if they had no offspring, would run around asking for Ta’weez (amulets) and cry, “O Allah, give me even one child.” When Allah Ta'ala gives children, then so much of anger and pride comes into her heart that even her poor son is asking for pardon, her mind is not coming right with her oppression and complaints, she makes the life of her daughter-in-law miserable. Is your daughter-in-law not someone’s daughter? Why do you come for ta’weez when your daughter’s mother-in-law mistreats her? Treat your daughter-in-law as you treat your own daughter. What is this that you require a ta’weez for your daughter and someone else’s daughter is not treated as one? A lot of mercilessness is shown. I say this with a hurtful heart. I am not mentioning fictitious stories. Such incidents are brought to my attention. Therefore my friends, I say that by only fulfilling Allah Ta’ala‘s rights you will not become an Allahwala, as long as you do not learn to have mercy on Allah’s servants. Remove the evil of anger. A Hadith Sharif states,

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?One who keeps back his anger, Allah Ta'ala will keep back from him His punishment on the Day of Judgment.”

Now let the person who has a lot of anger correct his disposition. How? He must control his anger. He must become merciful so that Allah Ta'ala will deal with him likewise on the Day of Judgment. Some people say,” Sir, how can I control myself? Rage overcomes me. My heart desires to give one shot to that person. These are all excuses. Think that to have uncontrollable anger is a great fault and to be soft natured is a wonderful quality. Allah Ta'ala describes the qualities of Hazrat Ibrahim (Alaihis Salaam),

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Which was translated by Hazrat Hakeem ul Ummah (Rahmatullah Alaihe) as follows, “ Verily Ibrahim (Alaihis Salaam) was very forebearing, had a merciful temperament and a soft heart i.e. he was very tolerant and forbearing in nature, possessed mercy in his temperament and had a soft heart. These are the qualities which Allah Ta'ala describes His Khalil (friend) with. O friends! If you wish to become Allah’s Khalil (close friend), O my mothers and sisters, if you want to become Allah’s friends, then create these three qualities within yourself. Have the ability to tolerate in the heart, let the quality of mercy dominate one’s nature and let the heart be soft.

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