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The Rights of Family Members
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: The Rights of Family Members
2. The Meaning of Istiqaamat (Steadfastness)

Allah Ta’ala states that there are those who have accepted realities and believed and those who say, “Our Rabb is only Allah” i.e. our Nourisher and Sustainer is only Allah. He is the Controller and Owner of our nurturing; benefit and harm; honor and disgrace; health and sickness; and life and death.

????? ??????????????  After believing, they remain steadfast on this. Many of you must have heard from our elders that they request to one another, “Make dua that Allah Ta’ala grants Istiqaamat.” What does Istiqaamat mean? To fulfill the commands of Allah Ta’ala and to continuously abstain from Allah Ta’ala’s disobedience. What is the sign of Istiqaamat in this era? When any beauty appears in front of one, and one does not look at her, then understand that one has attained Istiqaamat. A person who follows the commands, but does not abstain from His disobedience is deprived of the bounty of Istiqaamat. One should have concern over this. Do not lose hope, but try to fulfill the right of Fikr (concern). Some people say, “We are concerned, but we cannot do anything. What can I do, I cannot control my gaze. I look at these beautiful women and I become mad.” Hakeem ul Ummah (Rahmatullah Alaihe) said, “If this girl’s father stands there holding a big stick, then where will strength suddenly come from?” It shows that you are afraid of being beaten; there is no honor in you. If someone removes his shoes and at that moment (when you are looking) hits you three or four times on your head, then will your gaze immediately be lowered or not? Such people should have a second look at their sense of honor- are we  the honorable servants of Allah Ta’ala or are we unworthy and without honor? Where one sees that there is a fear of being beaten, he lowers his gaze, and where he possesses no such fear, he looks around fearlessly. This shows that the love of Allah Ta’ala in the heart of this person is extremely less.

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