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The Destructive Consequences Of Not Observing Purdah
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: The Destructive Consequences Of Not Observing Purdah
28. When is it Sunnah to Get Married?

The last thing which I want to say is that marriage is a Sunnah of Rasûlullâh r. Rasûlullâh r said that the person who does not marry is not from me, I have no connection with him. This refers to people who do not marry despite having the means to do so. If a person is excused, has no alternative, is unable to provide for a wife, does not have a house, is always refused when he proposes, is gone old to the extent that he can only find an old woman while he has no affinity with such a woman, then marriage does not remain Sunnah in such cases. There were many auliyâ’ of the past who did not marry, e.g. Hadrat Bishr Hâfî rahimahullâh, Shaykh Muhiyy ad-Dîn Abû Zakarîyyâ Nawawî rahimahullâh – the commentator of Muslim Sharîf - ‘Allâmah Taftâzânî rahimahullâh and others. You should therefore not look down upon anyone. In other words, if a person is not married, do not think that he is abandoning the Sunnah. There were many auliyâ‘ who, because of constrained circumstances, were excused from getting married. So if you see someone unmarried, think to yourself that he may have some good reason for this.

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Our final prayer is that all praise belongs to Allah,

The Lord of the worlds

All praise is due to Allah Ta’ala for enabling us to complete the translation of this book. May Allah Ta’ala accept it from us and may it be a means of our reformation in this world, and salvation in the Hereafter.

Mahomed Mahomedy

13 Jumâdâ al-Ukhrâ  1430 A.H.

07 June 2009

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