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Treatment for Anger
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: Treatment for Anger
8. Kindness

Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wasallam has said: "Do not make the animal's back your pulpits." This means, if you need to talk to someone, get off the animal and talk, for animals are not for this purpose. Islam enjoins great mercy to animals. If it is forbidden to trouble animals, then, my friends, those who trouble their wives, how much punishment are they not inviting upon themselves for their action? Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wasallam said, AThose with the most perfect Iman are the ones whose character is the best. And the best amongst you is the one who treats his wife well. We learn from this that the highest standard of best character is good treatment to the wife.

Allamah Aloosi (RA) has related a narration in Tafsir Rûhul Ma'ani that Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wasallam said: "Those husbands who are merciful, their wives overpower them." This means they start speaking sharply, they become playful towards the husband and do coquetry, but they do have rights.

Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wasallam said: "O Aysha, when you are angry with me, I come to know of it, because then you say: "By the Lord of Ibrahim (AS) and when you are happy with me, then you say, "By the Lord of Muhammed." So women do have a right of getting upset. Shariat has scope for it. The hadith says: "These women overpower men who are kind, but men that are ill tempered and possess bad character, shout, beat and fight with their wives and overpower them." It is said that in certain places, husbands beat their wives on the first night to create a fear in their hearts for them. Astaghfirullah! What oppression and ignorance! May Allah give us Hidayat. Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wasallam said: "I prefer to be suppressed but kind (with regard to my wives). I do not want to be ill-tempered and overpower them." He Sallallahu alaihi wasallam said: "Women are from a crooked rib. Look! Although they are crooked, are we not benefitting from them?" If you will try to straighten them, they will break! Therefore, your treatment towards them should be one of love, kindness and mercy, then life will become enjoyable. Hadhrat Moulana Thanwi (RA) used to say that those people who reject Allah's intercession of "And treat them kindly," are shameless. If some great person commands us to protect and look after the wife, we will take pains in fulfilling the order of such an important personality. Here Allah, Most High is commanding us to treat our wives well, then how much more importance should be given to this order. Let us ponder deeply over what is to be done and what we are doing. Coming back to the subject of anger, to swallow anger is a great training of the 'self', because anger is fire and to control it is very difficult. So, rewards upon it are also very great and one attains experience according to one's training
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