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Treatment for Anger
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: Treatment for Anger
1. Introduction

Quranic verse concerning anger Allah Ta'ala has explained three qualities of his special servants in this verse:-

1) Those who swallow their anger,
2) They forgive the mistakes of Our Servants,
3) They not only forgive, but do an act of kindness upon them, and Allah loves such people.

Anger is not a bad thing, but to use it in a wrong place is bad. If anger is annihilated, then how will one make jihad with the kuffar? Therefore, use anger in the right place, eg. in jihad against the kuffar. When at such a time, someone comes and says, "I humbly present myself in front of you," it will be forbidden to treat him with humility, but rather say, "Is there anyone to confront me?" However, when anger is concerning oneself, then the following verse will apply to him, "Men of Allah are those who swallow their anger and control themselves."

Many times, people request for some prayers whereby evil thoughts, inspirations and feelings do not occur to them, as the Urdu saying goes - "The flute must not remain, nor the flautist." This is childishness. Actually, perfection and intelligence is to trample the evil inspirations, not to act upon them, just for the pleasure of Allah. Anyone who goes through a lot of difficulties and suffering for your sake, will you not think him to be your very best friend? Therefore, one has to escape from or overpower these demands, for if you cannot do this, then it is proof enough that you do not want to go through difficulties for the sake of Allah. How then can this be a claim of love? One of the rights of love is that one goes through all difficulties for the pleasure of the beloved. Therefore, these demands and urges must remain, otherwise how will one fulfil his wife's rights in a permitted manner, which means not using one's urges in the wrong manner. Moulana Thanwi Rahmatullahi Alai used to say that the intention is not to destroy bad habits, but to channelize them in the correct direction. For example, someone has anger in him which is a bad habit. Before his reformation he used it for himself, i.e if someone told him something unbecoming, or he was harmed by someone, he immediately lost control and let out his anger. But after he reformed, the direction of his anger changed. Now he gets angry on witnessing the disobedience of Allah and his enmity is now directed towards the enemies of Allah.

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