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A Sound Heart
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: A Sound Heart
8. DU'A - A necessary condition for attaining the love of Allah Ta'ala
One of the necessary conditions for attaining the love of Allah Ta'ala, which many people are neglectful about is Du'a (supplicating to Allah Ta'ala from the depths of the heart). We know how to ask Allah Ta'ala for our worldly needs but only the special servants of Allah Ta'ala ask Allah for His love. This fact is substantiated from the Hadith of Rasulullah ??? ???? ???? ???? wherein he supplicates:
????? ??? ????? ??? O Allah! I ask You for Your love (Tirmidhi Shareef)
Hazrat Haji lmdadullah Muhajir Makki ???? ???? ???? used to cry to Allah Ta'ala saying:
???? ??? ?? ??? ???? ??? ?????? ?? ????? ??? ??? ?? ??? ??? ???? Some are asking for something and some for something else
The method of supplicating Allah Ta'ala in this special manner, however, should be learned from those who have a special connection with Allah Ta'ala. For this, there is couple of heart-rending Du'as of Hazratwala mentioned below for the benefit of the respected readers. May Allah Ta' ala grant us all the ability to supplicate to Allah Ta'ala through them.
- O Allah Ta'ala! Entrench this firm intention within our hearts that we will no longer displease You. We will put our lives on the line in order to please You. We will not allow even a single form of Haraam pleasure to sway us away from You.
- O Allah! Since we are sacrificing our very lives for You, instill Your love in our heart and soul whereby every single thing in the entire world becomes meaningless and valueless in comparison to You.
- O Allah! Grant us the ability to obey You. Grant us Your perfect love whereby we do not displease You for even a single moment of our lives.
- O Allah! Let us not sacrifice ourselves and die over that which has no value.
- O Allah! If we do happen to sin then grant us the ability to turn to You in repentance, because there is no Allah besides You to whom we can turn to. Ameen
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