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A Sound Heart
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: A Sound Heart
4. The Second Sign of A Sound Heart

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A person who guides and makes his children the friends of Allah Ta'ala


When a person's children are afflicted by cancer or some other illness, he runs to the friends of Allah. He hankers after Taweezes and asks the friends of Allah to supplicate for him.

Similarly, if one's children are afflicted by the illness of negligence, they do not perform Salah or Fast, they behave like hippies, hanker after women and are involved in the evils of films, videos and music, one should be concerned. One should worry about their condition on the Day of Resurrection. Take them to the friends of Allah Ta'ala. Plead with them or give them some money and take them to Allah’s chosen servants where the talks of Deen are taking place. To endeavor to make one's children pious is also a sign of a sound heart. Now you can decide for yourself whether you have a sound heart or not.


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