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The People of Allah And Their Independency
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: The People of Allah And Their Independency
6. The lesson from the afore-mentioned incident

Anyway, when the falcon flew from the palace and lost its way, it landed up in area inhabited by owls, which Maulana Rumi (Rahmatullah Alaihe) named Kharab-Abaad (the city of ruins). When the eyes of the owls fell upon the design of the falcon, who was bigger in size, and whose beak and claws were different, they immediately held a meeting. In the meeting, one owl spoke and said, “A foreign bird has come to take over our land! If we do not act fast and scare him away, he will soon occupy our land as ruler!”

When the falcon heard their talk, he immediately spoke out,

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This place of desolate is great in your eyes

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“O idiot owls, do you think I have any desire to reside in this land of ruins? I will never even think of doing such a foolish thing! This land is great in your eyes. As for me, I wish to return to the palace of my king. My home is the home of the king, my home is the palace! My place is on the shoulder of the king!”

Similarly, if ever Shaytaan attempts to take one to the cinema, or involve one in watching some movie, immediately make this proclamation that I do not belong here! My place is the proximity of my Allah, the palace of my Creator. I shall perform two rakaats of Salaat-u-Taubah and cling to the place where I belong! I belong in the palace of Allah, who is the King of all kings!

Unfortunately, our condition is that we prefer to leave Allah and hasten towards areas where filth is rife, i.e. places of sin and vice. We have familiarized ourselves with areas void of any spiritual life, just as owls find familiarity in desolate areas. For this reason, Maulana Rumi (Rahmatullah Alaihe) interprets the talk of the falcon, so that other such royal servants may take lesson. He writes, “The falcon spoke out:

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“My home is the shoulder of the king. I have been blessed with the proximity of the king, and I am more than happy with that! If you find solace in this barren land, then that is your matter!”

The lovers of Allah say the very same thing, “O those drowning in sin, our place of honour are the corners and the carpets of the Masjid.”

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“When engaged in Allah’s remembrance oblivious of all else, the lover of Allah finds in his musalla, the throne of Suleiman.”

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