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Morning and Evening Duas
By: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
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Book: Morning and Evening Duas
17. A Comprehensive Dua that Consists of all the Duas made by Rasulullah (Sallellaho Alaihe Wasallam) in his Twenty-Three Years of Prophet Hood

(Recite once)

Hazrat Abu Umama (radhiallaho anho) reports that Rasulullah (sallellaho alaihe wasallam) made numerous duas but some of us could not remember any of these duas.  We said to him: “O Nabi of Allah (sallellaho alaihe wasallam)! You have made immumerable duas but we do not remember any of them.” Rasulullah (sallellaho alaihe wasallam) replied: “Should I not show you such a comprehensive dua which includes all these duas? Say: 

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O Allah! I beg of You for all the good that Your Nabi Muhammad (sallellaho alaihe wasallam) asked of You and I seek refuge from all the evil that Your Nabi Muhammad (sallellaho alaihe wasallam) sought refuge from. You alone are the one from whom help is sought. And it is upon You to answer our plea. There is no power to refrain from sins and to perform righteous deeds except from You.

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