Arif Billah Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Sahib (Rehmatullah Alaih)


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Fahad Aleem 08 Nov, 2009
Asalamoalikum warahmatullahe wabarakatuhu, May Allah(swt) spread the Dard-e-Dil of our beloved Hazratwala(db) every where in this world and enlighten everyones heart with his Dard-e-Dil. Ameen. For INTERNATIONAL PUNCHING MASTER, every word of Hazratwala(db) & this website - MASHA ALLAH.
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Khadim 01 Nov, 2009
AsalamuAlaykumWaRahmatullaheWaBarakatuhu Inshallah will Hazrat db, have any farsi books available?
Fremnont, United States
Monim qureshi 14 Oct, 2009
i love ashaar of ARIF BILAH HAKIM AKHTAR SAHB. people of abdullah apartment are lucky that mufti rafiq sahb is our IMAM
karachi, Pakistan
rizwan 01 Oct, 2009
My Most admired site MashaAllah
mumbai, India
faizan 23 Sep, 2009
hazrat walla is great i listen asars and bayanat of him and feroz memon [db] now i m offer 5 times a day
karachi, Pakistan
bint-e-Sheikh 20 Sep, 2009
its the best website i have ever visited. its a great source of getting in touch with khanqah even if we are far from itdue to some reasons or problems. Khanqah's website is a source of connection for those who love it. for me khanqah is my real home from where i learned to live a life like Allah's slave. may ALLAH subhanahu watala accept all the efforts made by the people of khanqah n bestow them with treasure of reward. ALLAHUMMA AAMEEN..
karachi, Pakistan
Waqas Ali Tunio 18 Sep, 2009
Assalamu Alaikum WR WB, Monthly Al-Abrar is a great addition to Khanqah site. JazakALLAH.
Khairpur Mir's, Pakistan
Ovais 01 Sep, 2009
Request: Hazrat, Before the name of Hazrat Wala Damatbarkatahum, addition of SHAIKH UL ARAB WAL AJAM, will look beautiful. Jazakallah
Karachi, Pakistan
hazratwala 21 Aug, 2009
Masha'Allah, May Allah reward you and bless our great Hazratwala DB, Khanqah's website organizers, I request you plz if you also broadcast the anti-depressions majlis here with the permission of hazratwala db or Meer sahib db for people like me, its just an opinion and request for you, jazakamullah khairan
Karachi, Pakistan
Mansoor Ul Islam 08 Aug, 2009
Asslamoalaykum ALLAH PAK HZ WALA DB ko sehet-e-kamla ajila mustamirah ata farmay(ameen)...mujhay HZ SHAHEEN IQBAL ASAR SB DB ki naat shareef jis may ye ashaar han "wusat hay aesi shah-e-batha(saw) teri gali main" agar kisi bhai k pas hoto meray is email add par mail karden [email protected] JAZAK ALLAH KHAIR
Karachi, Pakistan
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