Arif Billah Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Sahib (Rehmatullah Alaih)

Short Audios :: Dua'ain

Sort By: Name | Date | Hits
Khusosi duwa at the end o fbayan d... (more) | 2434 views
Gunahoon ki aadatoon ko 0103h (more) | 2370 views
HWala ki khasoosi duwa 3130 (more) | 2295 views
Aik hadees ko doosri hadees say sa... (more) | 2275 views
Tenoon qul at khanqah gulistan joh... (more) | 2256 views
Duwa at the end of bayan dated fri... (more) | 2255 views
Duwa e recondition 4534 151099 (more) | 2169 views
Darul uloom kay lia duwa 2800 (more) | 2161 views
Ikhtatami duwa bayan dated 3813 25... (more) | 2010 views
Ki duwa 5333 (more) | 1977 views
Duwa at the end of bayan dated 140... (more) | 1973 views
Duwa at the end of bayan dated 22... (more) | 1907 views
Duwa at the end of bayan dated 26... (more) | 1902 views
Gulsitan johar main ikhtatami duwa... (more) | 1884 views
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Short Audios
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