Arif Billah Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Sahib (Rehmatullah Alaih)

Ashaar :: Ham musalman hain koi tamasha nahi

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Ham musalman hain koi tamasha nahi
Author: Hazrat Taib Sahab (db)
Voice: Hazrat Taib Sahab (db)
Bayan Date: 18 Nov, 2007
Description: none
Size: 375 KB
Views: 9421
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User Reviews

1. Iqbal Jamal 29 Jul, 2010
Ata e Rabbul Alameen hey, kia kehne asar is kalam ka, Sbhan Allah
Karachi, Pakistan
2. Saleem Akhtar 29 May, 2009
Thought provoking ashar.Taib sb(db) Allah aap ko khush rakhe aur humlogon ko sahee mano mai musallman banne kee taufiq atta fermai.(Aameen)
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

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