Arif Billah Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Sahib (Rehmatullah Alaih)

Dua :: Salatul hajaat aur Dua ka Masnoon tareeqa

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Salatul hajaat aur Dua ka Masnoon tareeqa
Author: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
Voice: Shaikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (ra)
Bayan Date: 07 Sep, 1990
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Size: 8 MB
Views: 11602
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salatul-hajat, dua

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User Reviews

1. mohammed sadath 08 Oct, 2010
very nice dua...plz frnds follow d path of s.w.s...u vl really sucesses in dis life n akhirath also.....
shimoga, India
2. Ajmal Aleem 20 May, 2010
Masha Allah all the bayanat of Hazrat are very very beneficial and after listening them, one can experience its fruits. I am writing this based on my personal experience. I have downloaded lot of lectures to my mobile and always listen to them while travelling and at home. May Allah give him good health. Jazakallah for posting these audios.
Muscat, Oman
3. Syed Nasir Hussain 29 Apr, 2010
The most effective Bayan for every muslim and especially for the people who have forgotton Allah and are always engrossed with TV and its entertainment.The audio of this Bayan needs more clearity as it is 10 year old.I request if Moulana can again give all of us an opportunity to listen this precious Bayan.Inshaa allah
Bangalore, India

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